Anzac Day 2025 Resources
Checkout the Resources and Lessons and ideas for Anzac Day 2025 and join us via videos and YouTube from France during Anzac Week.
Anzac Day is around the corner and classes will be able to access a wide range of resources to help commemorate the day this year. Those at home will find videos , worksheets and more.
The Anzac 360 App is an incredible resource to get started and allows all students to be there and remember . Well worth viewing and being part of it either virtually or just on screen.
If you have a virtual headset this is incredible.
I have looked for a great range of resources to support teachers for this very special day.
There are so many great things listed below to help us commemorate and remember.
Each day in the lead up to ANZAC Day 2025 checkout our Remember Anzac Day 2025 with our special posting.
Lest we forget
Anzac Day Resources
Great worksheets and activities.
A Library of Activities for year 3 and 4
Great Videos and Resources for older students in high school
Some Great ANZAC Posters
Lots of great art /craft activities for Anzac Day
10 Great Resource sites sourced by ABC
More Art craft Puzzles and more
Links to some great ANZAC resources
Ways to celebrate ANZAC Day
Really nice collection of thoughtful ANZAC Resources.....primary school
Classroom activities for high school
AWM Resources. High school
Good collection of Anzac Resources
Lots of ANZAC Day printable and other Resources
Anzac Day for Middle and Primary Years
Great list of resources from Education Qld
Great Resources from DVA
Project 360 virtual tours.... incredible
YouTube clips
Spirit of the Anzacs
World war 1 explained
The Gallipoli story
Tour of Gallipoli
Fromelles And Pozieres
Bullecourt to Hamel
Polygon Wood
Villers Brettoneux
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Red Baron
The Anzac 360 App is an incredible resource to get started and allows all students to be there and remember . Well worth viewing and being part of it either virtually or just on screen.
If you have a virtual headset this is incredible.
I have looked for a great range of resources to support teachers for this very special day.
There are so many great things listed below to help us commemorate and remember.
Each day in the lead up to ANZAC Day 2025 checkout our Remember Anzac Day 2025 with our special posting.
Lest we forget
Anzac Day Resources
Great worksheets and activities.
A Library of Activities for year 3 and 4
Great Videos and Resources for older students in high school
Some Great ANZAC Posters
Lots of great art /craft activities for Anzac Day
10 Great Resource sites sourced by ABC
More Art craft Puzzles and more
Links to some great ANZAC resources
Ways to celebrate ANZAC Day
Really nice collection of thoughtful ANZAC Resources.....primary school
Classroom activities for high school
AWM Resources. High school
Good collection of Anzac Resources
Lots of ANZAC Day printable and other Resources
Anzac Day for Middle and Primary Years
Great list of resources from Education Qld
Great Resources from DVA
Project 360 virtual tours.... incredible
YouTube clips
Spirit of the Anzacs
World war 1 explained
The Gallipoli story
Tour of Gallipoli
Fromelles And Pozieres
Bullecourt to Hamel
Polygon Wood
Villers Brettoneux
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Red Baron
Anzac Lessons/Learning Intentions/Curriculum links and more classroom ideas.
ANZAC Week Educational Program .
Outline Brief
Vignacourt is a village in Northern France Behind the lines that has a special ww1 Legacy for Australians. It was here during the great war that Louis and Anntoinette Thuillier took photographs of soldiers on their way to and from the battlefields of the Somme. These glass negative photos became known as the Lost Diggers of Vignacourt. Over 4000 glass plates of which over 800 are of Australians We have assisted the village for over 15 years now, to continue the Franco Australian links particularly during Anzac Week each year. We helped to develop a Sister City relationship with Childers and the Bundaberg region which we set up in 2016 and have developed a number of educational opportunities.
Donna and I will attend Vignacourt during Anzac Week 2025 and we would like to make Anzac Day come alive with the development of a special week of Anzac activities with St Columba’s and St Finbarr’s.
Billy and Robért the mascots travel back and forward to Australia during the year.
They were with the year 5’s at Wilston last year and returned to France with letters to the school in Vignacourt in September when we were there. They will return to St Columba’s after Anzac Day 2025 and be with us till November when hopefully they can be in France again.
In 2025 we would like the schools to be part of Anzac Week and provide a link to waken the students to a greater knowledge of Anzac Day.
There are over 250 soldiers buried in their cemetery in Vignacourt ,mostly Australian. It was the scene of a casualty clearing station from 1916-1918. 18 of these are infact Queensland Soldiers.
Year 5s will link with the students of Vignacourt through letter exchange and video messages.
Year 5 and 6 will also engage in the Gaythorne RSL Anzac Writing competition.
The entire school at Wilston will make Anzac images or something similar to place at the graves on Anzac Day via us and the Vignacourt kids.
We will do a number of videos for viewing at school each day of the 3 days of Anzac Week after Easter holidays. The kids will prepare things in the lead up to holidays and then these will be put into place during the Anzac Week.
These YouTube videos will be available to every class to tell a story. Hopefully we will also arrange 1or 2 live crosses suitable for Wilston kids during school hours.
We will also research the Wilston community to see what memorials we can visit to make it real for the kids. I am sure parents will love this. We will recognise relatives and provide a wall of memory for Wilston to use at their Anzac Day ceremony.
I have prepared a curriculum for teachers to use as they feel necessary based on the needs and abilities of each class during these 3 days Tuesday /Wednesday / Thursday of first week term 2 andeven in the lead up to ( whatever teachers feel would be worthwhile for their classes)
I would like to make Wilston a special centre of Anzac commemorations and create a media opportunity to ensure that the future generations never forget.
I would also like to engage BCEC in this opportunity as a unique and engaging experience… shared by all Hopefully the BCEC media team would pick up the story and share it.
St Columba’s will create a special link to Vignacourt and the Somme that can be built on in coming years each Anzac Day if possible.
I hope that everyone can take part and make it a very meaningful Anzac Day 2025.
Outline Brief
Vignacourt is a village in Northern France Behind the lines that has a special ww1 Legacy for Australians. It was here during the great war that Louis and Anntoinette Thuillier took photographs of soldiers on their way to and from the battlefields of the Somme. These glass negative photos became known as the Lost Diggers of Vignacourt. Over 4000 glass plates of which over 800 are of Australians We have assisted the village for over 15 years now, to continue the Franco Australian links particularly during Anzac Week each year. We helped to develop a Sister City relationship with Childers and the Bundaberg region which we set up in 2016 and have developed a number of educational opportunities.
Donna and I will attend Vignacourt during Anzac Week 2025 and we would like to make Anzac Day come alive with the development of a special week of Anzac activities with St Columba’s and St Finbarr’s.
Billy and Robért the mascots travel back and forward to Australia during the year.
They were with the year 5’s at Wilston last year and returned to France with letters to the school in Vignacourt in September when we were there. They will return to St Columba’s after Anzac Day 2025 and be with us till November when hopefully they can be in France again.
In 2025 we would like the schools to be part of Anzac Week and provide a link to waken the students to a greater knowledge of Anzac Day.
There are over 250 soldiers buried in their cemetery in Vignacourt ,mostly Australian. It was the scene of a casualty clearing station from 1916-1918. 18 of these are infact Queensland Soldiers.
Year 5s will link with the students of Vignacourt through letter exchange and video messages.
Year 5 and 6 will also engage in the Gaythorne RSL Anzac Writing competition.
The entire school at Wilston will make Anzac images or something similar to place at the graves on Anzac Day via us and the Vignacourt kids.
We will do a number of videos for viewing at school each day of the 3 days of Anzac Week after Easter holidays. The kids will prepare things in the lead up to holidays and then these will be put into place during the Anzac Week.
These YouTube videos will be available to every class to tell a story. Hopefully we will also arrange 1or 2 live crosses suitable for Wilston kids during school hours.
We will also research the Wilston community to see what memorials we can visit to make it real for the kids. I am sure parents will love this. We will recognise relatives and provide a wall of memory for Wilston to use at their Anzac Day ceremony.
I have prepared a curriculum for teachers to use as they feel necessary based on the needs and abilities of each class during these 3 days Tuesday /Wednesday / Thursday of first week term 2 andeven in the lead up to ( whatever teachers feel would be worthwhile for their classes)
I would like to make Wilston a special centre of Anzac commemorations and create a media opportunity to ensure that the future generations never forget.
I would also like to engage BCEC in this opportunity as a unique and engaging experience… shared by all Hopefully the BCEC media team would pick up the story and share it.
St Columba’s will create a special link to Vignacourt and the Somme that can be built on in coming years each Anzac Day if possible.
I hope that everyone can take part and make it a very meaningful Anzac Day 2025.
Curriculum Links -The Australian Curriculum.
I will identify events in own life and how significant events are celebrated.
I will read, view and comprehend texts, making connections between characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences.
I will identify the language features of texts including connections between print and images.
I will create short written texts, including retelling stories using words and images.
Year 1
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
Year 2
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
Year 3
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHK063: The commemoration of World War I, including debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend.
Year 4
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHK063: The commemoration of World War I, including debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend.
Year 5
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHS066: Use historical terms.
ACHHS069: Identify different points of view.
Year 6
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHS066: Use historical terms.
ACHHS069: Identify different points of view.
Learning Intentions and Student outcomes.
To understand the significance of Anzac Day and other remembrance days.
Learning Intention: I will identify events in my own life and how significant events are celebrated.
Student Outcomes :AC9HSFK02 the celebrations and commemorations of significant events shared with their families and others
AC9HSFS01 pose questions about familiar objects, people, places and events
AC9HSFS02 sort and record information including pictorial timelines and locations on pictorial maps or models
AC9HSFS03 share a perspective on information, such as stories about significant events and special places
AC9HSFS04 draw conclusions in response to questions
AC9HSFS05 share narratives and observations, using sources and terms about the past and places
English: (to tie in with Reading ANZAC TED by Belinda Landsberry.)
Learning Intentions:I will read, view and comprehend texts, making connections between characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences.
I will identify the language features of texts including connections between print and images.
I will create short written texts, including retelling stories using words and images.
Student Outcomes:
Language; I can explore the contribution of images and words to meaning in stories and informative texts.
I can recognise and develop awareness of vocabulary used in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school.
Literature: I can share ideas about stories, poems and images in literature, reflecting on experiences that are similar or different to my own by engaging with texts by First Nations Australians and wide ranging Australian world authors and illustrators.
Literacy: I can use comprehension strategies such as visualizing, predicting, connecting, summarizing and questioning to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently.
Year 1
Learning Intention: Recognize the importance of remembering historical events.
Student Outcome: Describe simple symbols and activities related to Anzac Day. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 2
Learning Intention: Explore the concept of community and commemoration.
Student Outcome: Explain why communities commemorate events like Anzac Day. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 3
Learning Intention: Identify individuals and events of historical significance.
Student Outcome: Describe aspects of their community that have changed and remained the same over time. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 4
Learning Intention: Understand the role of remembrance in society.
Student Outcome: Explain the importance of different celebrations and commemorations for different groups. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 5
Learning Intention: Investigate the experiences of Australians in World War I.
Student Outcome: Identify and describe aspects of World War I that have significance in the present. Curriculum Link: Learning about Australia in World War I - Anzac Portal
Year 6
Learning Intention: Analyze the impact of World War I on Australian society.
Student Outcome: Sequence information about events and the lives of individuals in chronological order. Curriculum Link: Learning about Australia in World War I - Anzac Portal In the Australian Curriculum:
Some Anzac Related activities
Here are some Anzac Day activities tailored for each class:
ANZAC TED.docx (Rough draft of short cycle ANZAC TED)
Year 1
ANZAC Ted Reading Response: Read the storybook "ANZAC Ted" by Belinda Landsberry and engage students with writing prompts, labelling tasks, and word searches.
ANZAC Day Craft: Create a stained-glass poppy craft to introduce the poppy iconography associated with ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Biscuit Procedure: Read and follow a recipe to bake ANZAC biscuits, then recount the baking process through a cut-and-paste activity.
Year 2
Poppy Colouring Sheets: Provide students with poppy coloringsheets to decorate and discuss the significance of the poppy flower.
ANZAC Day Word Mat: Use a word mat to introduce important vocabulary and prompt discussions about ANZAC Day.
Guest Speaker: Invite a veteran or a historian to speak about their experiences and the importance of ANZAC Day.
Year 3
War Memorial Excursion: Organize a visit to a local war memorial or museum to help students understand the historical context of ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Writing Activities: Encourage students to write letters to soldiers or create poems and stories inspired by ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Display: Create a classroom display showcasing students' artwork and writing about ANZAC Day.
Year 4
ANZAC Day Trivia Quiz: Host a trivia quiz with questions about ANZAC Day history and significance.
3D Anzac Day Wreath Paper Craft: Have students create 3D paper wreaths to learn about ANZAC Day while getting crafty.
Discussion on Values: Discuss the values of bravery, courage, mateship, and sacrifice that ANZAC soldiers embodied.
Year 5
Research Project: Assign students a research project on a specific ANZAC soldier or event, and present their findings to the class.
ANZAC Day Assembly: Organize a school assembly where students can share what they've learned about ANZAC Day.
Interactive Timeline: Create an interactive timeline of significant events in Australian military history, including ANZAC Day.
Year 6
Debate on War and Peace: Facilitate a debate on the impact of war and the importance of peace, encouraging students to use historical examples.
ANZAC Day Essay: Have students write an essay reflecting on the significance of ANZAC Day and its relevance today.
Community Service Project: Engage students in a community service project, such as creating care packages for veterans or organizing a fundraiser for a veterans' charity.
More Class Activities.
1)Introduction to Vignacourt and Naours
Activity: Students will read a short introduction about the significance of Vignacourt and Naours during WWI. They will then answer comprehension questions to test their understanding.
2)Objective: Build foundational knowledge.
Mapping the Journey
Activity: Provide a blank map for students to mark key locations from Australia to France, specifically Vignacourt and Naours.
3)Objective: Understand geographical context and travel routes.
Diary Entry
Activity: Students will write a diary entry as if they are an ANZAC soldier arriving in Vignacourt. They should include details about their experiences and emotions.
4)Objective: Develop empathy and historical perspective.
Photo Analysis
Activity: Show students historical photos from Vignacourt, where many soldiers were photographed. Students will analyze the photos and describe what they see and infer the emotions and conditions of the soldiers.
5)Objective: Enhance visual literacy and critical thinking.
The Role of Naours Caves
Activity: Students will learn about the Naours caves where soldiers left inscriptions. They will then create their own inscriptions and explain their meanings.
6)Objective: Explore how soldiers expressed themselves during the war.
Letter Home
Activity: Students will write a letter home as if they are a soldier in Vignacourt, describing their experiences and the significance of Naours.
7)Objective: Practice writing skills and historical empathy.
Comparative Timeline
Activity: Create a timeline comparing significant events in Vignacourt and Naours during WWI with significant events in Australia during the same period.
8)Objective: Understand historical chronology and connections.
Artifact Analysis
Activity: Show images of artifacts found in Vignacourt and Naours. Students will analyze these artifacts and write a short paragraph about their significance.
9)Objective: Foster analytical skills and historical insight.
Art and Reflection
Activity: Students will create an art piece inspired by the history of Vignacourt and Naours. This can be a drawing, painting, or collage.
10)Objective: Encourage creative expression and reflection.
Quiz and Reflection
Activity: End with a quiz covering all the topics learned throughout the activity sheets. Include reflection questions about what they found most interesting and how they feel about the sacrifices made by the ANZAC soldiers.
A week of Lessons to choose from.
Week-long Unit Plan:
Anzac Day Commemorations
Lesson 1: Introduction to Anzac Day and World War I
Learning Intention: Students will understand the significance of Anzac Day and the role of Australian soldiers in World War I.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain the importance of Anzac Day.
Students can identify the contributions of Australian soldiers during World War I.
Storytime and Discussion: Read a children’s book about Anzac Day (e.g., "Anzac Ted" by Belinda Landsberry). Discuss the importance of Anzac Day.
Interactive Map Activity: Show a map of Europe, highlighting France, Vignacourt, and Naours. Discuss the locations' significance during WWI.
Craft Activity: Make poppies from red paper to create an Anzac Day display in the classroom.
Lesson 2: Exploring Vignacourt
Learning Intention: Students will learn about the significance of Vignacourt and the discovery of Australian soldiers' photos.
Student Outcomes:
Students can describe Vignacourt's role during WWI.
Students can analyze historical photographs.
Video Cross Activity: Connect with a school or historian in France for a virtual tour of Vignacourt and its war memorials.
Photo Analysis Activity: Show photos of Australian soldiers discovered in Vignacourt. Discuss what these photos tell us about the soldiers’ experiences.
Creative Writing: Students write a short story or letter from the perspective of a soldier in Vignacourt.
Lesson 3: Discovering Naours and Soldier Graffiti Learning Intention: Students will explore the underground tunnels of Naours and learn about the graffiti left by soldiers.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain the significance of Naours.
Students can interpret soldier graffiti as historical evidence.
Virtual Tour: Take a virtual tour of the Naours tunnels, focusing on the graffiti left by soldiers.
Graffiti Analysis: Show images of the graffiti and discuss what it reveals about the soldiers’ lives and thoughts.
Art Activity: Students create their own "historical graffiti" on paper, imagining they are soldiers in the Naours tunnels.
Lesson 4: Commemorating Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will participate in activities to commemorate Anzac Day, reflecting on the lessons learned.
Student Outcomes:
Students can participate in Anzac Day commemorative activities.
Students can reflect on the significance of the day and its historical context.
Anzac Day Ceremony: Hold a mock Anzac Day ceremony, including a minute of silence, playing "The Last Post," and reading poems like "In Flanders Fields."
Craft Activity: Make Anzac biscuits following a simple recipe. Discuss the history of the biscuits and their importance during the war.
Reflection Activity: Students share what they have learned about Anzac Day, Vignacourt, and Naours. Display their stories, letters, and art projects in the classroom.
Lesson 1: Understanding Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will understand the significance of Anzac Day.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain that Anzac Day is a day of remembrance.
Students can identify a poppy as a symbol of Anzac Day.
Storytime: Read a picture book about Anzac Day.
Poppy Craft: Make poppies using red and black paper.
Simple Mapping: Show where Australia and France are on a map.
Year 1
Lesson 2: The Story of Vignacourt
Learning Intention: Students will learn about Vignacourt and its significance during WWI. Student Outcomes:
Students can describe what Vignacourt was used for during WWI.
Students can recognize the historical importance of photographs.
Photograph Analysis: Show and discuss photographs of soldiers found in Vignacourt.
Photo Drawing: Draw a picture of what they think life was like for the soldiers.
Virtual Cross Activity: Video call with a school or museum in Vignacourt.
Year 2
Lesson 3: Discovering Naours
Learning Intention: Students will explore the underground tunnels of Naours and learn about soldier graffiti. Student Outcomes:
Students can explain what the Naours tunnels were used for.
Students can interpret graffiti as a form of historical evidence.
Virtual Tour: Virtual tour of the Naours tunnels.
Graffiti Discussion: Talk about the soldier graffiti and what it tells us.
Art Project: Create their own graffiti drawings on paper.
Year 3
Lesson 4: Soldier Stories
Learning Intention: Students will learn about the personal stories of soldiers from Vignacourt and Naours. Student Outcomes:
Students can recount a story of a soldier.
Students can reflect on the soldiers’ experiences.
Story Writing: Write a story or letter from the perspective of a soldier.
Research Project: Research a soldier's photo and share their findings.
Video Diary: Create a video diary imagining they are a soldier.
Year 4
Lesson 5: Anzac Day Traditions
Learning Intention: Students will understand the traditions of Anzac Day and their importance. Student Outcomes:
Students can describe different Anzac Day traditions.
Students can explain why these traditions are important.
Ceremony Role-Play: Conduct a mock Anzac Day ceremony in class.
Biscuit Baking: Make Anzac biscuits and learn their history.
Poem Reading: Read and discuss poems like "In Flanders Fields."
Year 5
Lesson 6: Connecting with History
Learning Intention: Students will connect with the historical events of WWI through the experiences of Australian soldiers. Student Outcomes:
Students can analyze historical sources from Vignacourt and Naours.
Students can reflect on the significance of Anzac Day.
Source Analysis: Analyze primary sources like letters and photos.
Historical Debate: Debate the experiences of soldiers during WWI.
Reflection Essay: Write an essay reflecting on the importance of Anzac Day.
Year 6
Lesson 7: Legacy of Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will explore the lasting legacy of Anzac Day and the lessons learned from WWI. Student Outcomes:
Students can articulate the long-term impacts of WWI on Australia.
Students can explain the ongoing relevance of Anzac Day.
Legacy Project: Create a project on the legacy of WWI and Anzac Day.
Guest Speaker: Invite a veteran or historian to speak about Anzac Day.
Commemoration Plan: Plan a school-wide Anzac Day event.
Glossary of Activities:
Storytime: Reading books related to Anzac Day.
Poppy Craft: Making poppies using paper or other materials.
Mapping: Showing locations on a map.
Photograph Analysis: Discussing historical photographs.
Drawing: Drawing pictures related to the lessons.
Virtual Cross Activity: Video calls with schools or museums.
Virtual Tour: Online tours of historical sites.
Graffiti Art: Creating graffiti art inspired by historical graffiti.
Story Writing: Writing stories or letters.
Research Project: Researching historical figures or events.
Video Diary: Creating video diaries.
Role-Play: Acting out ceremonies or historical events.
Biscuit Baking: Making Anzac biscuits.
Poem Reading: Reading and discussing poems.
Source Analysis: Analyzing primary sources.
Debate: Debating historical topics.
Essay Writing: Writing reflective essays.
Legacy Project: Creating projects on historical legacies.
Guest Speaker: Inviting speakers to discuss historical events.
Some more ideas.
Detailed Lesson Plans
Week 1: Introduction to World War I
Learning Intention: Understand the origins and key events of World War I. Student Outcomes: Describe the causes of World War I and Australia's involvement.
Lesson 1: Introduction to World War I
Discuss the causes of World War I and the nations involved.
Show a timeline of key events.
Activity: Create a timeline in groups.
Lesson 2: Australia's Involvement in World War I Explore the reasons for Australia joining the war.
Discuss the experiences of Australian soldiers.
Activity: Write a short diary entry from the perspective of an Australian soldier.
Week 2: Significance of Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Understand the significance of Anzac Day. Student Outcomes: Explain the importance of Anzac Day and the events at Gallipoli.
Lesson 3: Anzac Day and Gallipoli
Discuss the Gallipoli campaign and its significance.
Show images and videos of Anzac Day ceremonies.
Activity: Create an Anzac Day poster.
Lesson 4: Anzac Traditions and Commemoration Explore different ways Anzac Day is commemorated.
Activity: Plan a class Anzac Day ceremony.
Week 3: Australian Soldiers at the Somme Learning Intention: Investigate the role of Australian soldiers in the Somme. Student Outcomes: Describe the experiences of Australian soldiers at the Somme.
Lesson 5: The Battle of the Somme
Discuss the key events of the Battle of the Somme.
Show maps and images of the battlefield.
Activity: Create a battlefield map.
Lesson 6: Soldier Stories
Introduce the cave inscriptions at Naours.
Read letters and diaries from soldiers.
Activity: Write a letter from the perspective of a soldier.
Week 4: Cave Inscriptions at Naours
Learning Intention: Investigate the cave inscriptions left by soldiers. Student Outcomes: Explain the significance of the cave inscriptions.
Lesson 7: Discovering the Cave Inscriptions Discuss the discovery and significance of the cave inscriptions.
Show images of the inscriptions.
Activity: Research and present on one of the soldiers.
Lesson 8: Understanding the Inscriptions Analyze the inscriptions and their meanings.
Activity: Create a class mural of the inscriptions.
Week 5: Descriptive Language
Learning Intention: Use descriptive language to create vivid narratives. Student Outcomes: Write descriptive narratives based on historical events.
Lesson 9: Expanding Noun Groups
Learn about noun groups and descriptive language.
Activity: Write descriptive sentences using expanded noun groups.
Lesson 10: Descriptive Writing Practice
Practice writing descriptive paragraphs.
Activity: Write a descriptive paragraph about a soldier’s experience.
Week 6: Creating Narratives
Learning Intention: Create narratives based on the experiences of soldiers. Student Outcomes: Write and revise narratives using descriptive language.
Lesson 11: Narrative Writing
Plan and draft narratives based on historical events.
Activity: Write a draft narrative about a soldier's experience.
Lesson 12: Peer Review and Feedback
Share drafts with peers and provide feedback.
Activity: Revise narratives based on feedback.
Week 7: Multimodal Texts
Learning Intention: Create and present multimodal texts. Student Outcomes: Plan and draft multimodal texts integrating images, sound, and text.
Lesson 13: Planning Multimodal Texts
Discuss different types of multimodal texts.
Activity: Plan a multimodal text about the Somme.
Lesson 14: Drafting Multimodal Texts
Begin drafting multimodal texts.
Activity: Create a draft of the multimodal text.
Week 8: Finalizing Multimodal Texts
Learning Intention: Finalize and polish multimodal texts. Student Outcomes: Complete multimodal texts with integrated elements.
Lesson 15: Revising and Editing
Revise and edit multimodal texts.
Activity: Complete the final draft of the multimodal text.
Lesson 16: Final Touches
Add final touches to multimodal texts.
Activity: Prepare for presentations.
Week 9: Presentation
Learning Intention: Present narratives and multimodal texts to the class. Student Outcomes: Effectively present and explain projects to peers.
Lesson 17: Presentation Practice
Practice presenting narratives and multimodal texts.
Activity: Peer practice presentations.
Lesson 18: Class Presentations
Present narratives and multimodal texts to the class.
Activity: Class presentations.
Week 10: Reflection
Learning Intention: Reflect on the learning journey and significance of Anzac Day. Student Outcomes: Reflect on and discuss the learning experience.
Lesson 19: Reflection Activities
Discuss what students learned about Anzac Day and the Somme.
Activity: Write a reflection on the learning journey.
Lesson 20: Celebrating Learning
Celebrate the completion of the unit with a class Anzac Day ceremony.
Activity: Class ceremony and sharing reflections.
Whole School Resources
Prep to Year 2
1. Anzac Day Storybooks:
o "Anzac Ted" by Belinda Landsberry
o "Lest We Forget" by Kerry Greenwood
2. Craft Activities:
o Making poppies using red and black paper
o Creating Anzac Day wreaths with paper plates and tissue paper
3. Songs and Rhymes:
o "The Last Post" and "Reveille" (with simple explanations)
4. Interactive Activities:
o Anzac Day colouring pages
o Simple worksheets with pictures of soldiers and poppies
Year 3 to Year 4
1. Educational Videos:
o Short documentaries about the Gallipoli landing
o Animated videos explaining the significance of Anzac Day
2. Writing Prompts:
o Writing a letter to a soldier
o Creating a diary entry from the perspective of an Anzac soldier
3. Interactive Games:
o Anzac Day word searches and crosswords
o Online quizzes about Anzac history
4. Craft Projects:
o Making poppy bookmarks
o Designing Anzac Day posters
Year 5 to Year 6
1. Detailed Worksheets:
o Fact cards about Anzac Day traditions and symbols
o Worksheets on the Battle of Gallipoli
2. Reading Comprehension:
o Stories about famous Anzac soldiers like John 'Jack' Simpson Kirkpatrick
o Reading comprehension activities based on Anzac Day poems
3. Research Projects:
o Investigating local war memorials and their significance
o Creating a timeline of Anzac Day events
4. Creative Activities:
o Designing medals and badges
o Creating a class Anzac Day display or timeline
Here are some excellent ANZAC web resources for classes from Prep to Year 6:
1. Twinkl: Offers a wide range of ANZAC Day activities, including word searches, fact cards, and craft templates for different year levels.
2. Teach Starter: Provides various teaching resources such as soldier silhouette art templates, reading comprehension worksheets, and PowerPoint templates for ANZAC Day.
3. Top Teacher: Features ideas for acknowledging ANZAC Day in the classroom, including craft activities, word walls, and wristbands.
4. ABC Education: Offers educational videos and activities related to ANZAC Day, suitable for primary school students.
5. National Archives of Australia: Provides historical documents, photographs, and resources to help students learn about ANZAC history.
6. Australian War Memorial: Features educational resources, including lesson plans and interactive activities, to help students understand the significance of ANZAC Day.
7. Cool Australia: Offers free, curriculum-aligned resources for teachers to use in the classroom, covering topics like ANZAC Day and its significance
I will identify events in own life and how significant events are celebrated.
I will read, view and comprehend texts, making connections between characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences.
I will identify the language features of texts including connections between print and images.
I will create short written texts, including retelling stories using words and images.
Year 1
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
Year 2
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
Year 3
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHK063: The commemoration of World War I, including debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend.
Year 4
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHK063: The commemoration of World War I, including debates about the nature and significance of the Anzac legend.
Year 5
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHS066: Use historical terms.
ACHHS069: Identify different points of view.
Year 6
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
ACHASSK064: Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Anzac Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
ACHHS066: Use historical terms.
ACHHS069: Identify different points of view.
Learning Intentions and Student outcomes.
To understand the significance of Anzac Day and other remembrance days.
Learning Intention: I will identify events in my own life and how significant events are celebrated.
Student Outcomes :AC9HSFK02 the celebrations and commemorations of significant events shared with their families and others
AC9HSFS01 pose questions about familiar objects, people, places and events
AC9HSFS02 sort and record information including pictorial timelines and locations on pictorial maps or models
AC9HSFS03 share a perspective on information, such as stories about significant events and special places
AC9HSFS04 draw conclusions in response to questions
AC9HSFS05 share narratives and observations, using sources and terms about the past and places
English: (to tie in with Reading ANZAC TED by Belinda Landsberry.)
Learning Intentions:I will read, view and comprehend texts, making connections between characters, settings and events, and to personal experiences.
I will identify the language features of texts including connections between print and images.
I will create short written texts, including retelling stories using words and images.
Student Outcomes:
Language; I can explore the contribution of images and words to meaning in stories and informative texts.
I can recognise and develop awareness of vocabulary used in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school.
Literature: I can share ideas about stories, poems and images in literature, reflecting on experiences that are similar or different to my own by engaging with texts by First Nations Australians and wide ranging Australian world authors and illustrators.
Literacy: I can use comprehension strategies such as visualizing, predicting, connecting, summarizing and questioning to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently.
Year 1
Learning Intention: Recognize the importance of remembering historical events.
Student Outcome: Describe simple symbols and activities related to Anzac Day. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 2
Learning Intention: Explore the concept of community and commemoration.
Student Outcome: Explain why communities commemorate events like Anzac Day. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 3
Learning Intention: Identify individuals and events of historical significance.
Student Outcome: Describe aspects of their community that have changed and remained the same over time. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 4
Learning Intention: Understand the role of remembrance in society.
Student Outcome: Explain the importance of different celebrations and commemorations for different groups. Curriculum Link: Anzac Day invitation - The Australian Curriculum
Year 5
Learning Intention: Investigate the experiences of Australians in World War I.
Student Outcome: Identify and describe aspects of World War I that have significance in the present. Curriculum Link: Learning about Australia in World War I - Anzac Portal
Year 6
Learning Intention: Analyze the impact of World War I on Australian society.
Student Outcome: Sequence information about events and the lives of individuals in chronological order. Curriculum Link: Learning about Australia in World War I - Anzac Portal In the Australian Curriculum:
Some Anzac Related activities
Here are some Anzac Day activities tailored for each class:
ANZAC TED.docx (Rough draft of short cycle ANZAC TED)
Year 1
ANZAC Ted Reading Response: Read the storybook "ANZAC Ted" by Belinda Landsberry and engage students with writing prompts, labelling tasks, and word searches.
ANZAC Day Craft: Create a stained-glass poppy craft to introduce the poppy iconography associated with ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Biscuit Procedure: Read and follow a recipe to bake ANZAC biscuits, then recount the baking process through a cut-and-paste activity.
Year 2
Poppy Colouring Sheets: Provide students with poppy coloringsheets to decorate and discuss the significance of the poppy flower.
ANZAC Day Word Mat: Use a word mat to introduce important vocabulary and prompt discussions about ANZAC Day.
Guest Speaker: Invite a veteran or a historian to speak about their experiences and the importance of ANZAC Day.
Year 3
War Memorial Excursion: Organize a visit to a local war memorial or museum to help students understand the historical context of ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Writing Activities: Encourage students to write letters to soldiers or create poems and stories inspired by ANZAC Day.
ANZAC Day Display: Create a classroom display showcasing students' artwork and writing about ANZAC Day.
Year 4
ANZAC Day Trivia Quiz: Host a trivia quiz with questions about ANZAC Day history and significance.
3D Anzac Day Wreath Paper Craft: Have students create 3D paper wreaths to learn about ANZAC Day while getting crafty.
Discussion on Values: Discuss the values of bravery, courage, mateship, and sacrifice that ANZAC soldiers embodied.
Year 5
Research Project: Assign students a research project on a specific ANZAC soldier or event, and present their findings to the class.
ANZAC Day Assembly: Organize a school assembly where students can share what they've learned about ANZAC Day.
Interactive Timeline: Create an interactive timeline of significant events in Australian military history, including ANZAC Day.
Year 6
Debate on War and Peace: Facilitate a debate on the impact of war and the importance of peace, encouraging students to use historical examples.
ANZAC Day Essay: Have students write an essay reflecting on the significance of ANZAC Day and its relevance today.
Community Service Project: Engage students in a community service project, such as creating care packages for veterans or organizing a fundraiser for a veterans' charity.
More Class Activities.
1)Introduction to Vignacourt and Naours
Activity: Students will read a short introduction about the significance of Vignacourt and Naours during WWI. They will then answer comprehension questions to test their understanding.
2)Objective: Build foundational knowledge.
Mapping the Journey
Activity: Provide a blank map for students to mark key locations from Australia to France, specifically Vignacourt and Naours.
3)Objective: Understand geographical context and travel routes.
Diary Entry
Activity: Students will write a diary entry as if they are an ANZAC soldier arriving in Vignacourt. They should include details about their experiences and emotions.
4)Objective: Develop empathy and historical perspective.
Photo Analysis
Activity: Show students historical photos from Vignacourt, where many soldiers were photographed. Students will analyze the photos and describe what they see and infer the emotions and conditions of the soldiers.
5)Objective: Enhance visual literacy and critical thinking.
The Role of Naours Caves
Activity: Students will learn about the Naours caves where soldiers left inscriptions. They will then create their own inscriptions and explain their meanings.
6)Objective: Explore how soldiers expressed themselves during the war.
Letter Home
Activity: Students will write a letter home as if they are a soldier in Vignacourt, describing their experiences and the significance of Naours.
7)Objective: Practice writing skills and historical empathy.
Comparative Timeline
Activity: Create a timeline comparing significant events in Vignacourt and Naours during WWI with significant events in Australia during the same period.
8)Objective: Understand historical chronology and connections.
Artifact Analysis
Activity: Show images of artifacts found in Vignacourt and Naours. Students will analyze these artifacts and write a short paragraph about their significance.
9)Objective: Foster analytical skills and historical insight.
Art and Reflection
Activity: Students will create an art piece inspired by the history of Vignacourt and Naours. This can be a drawing, painting, or collage.
10)Objective: Encourage creative expression and reflection.
Quiz and Reflection
Activity: End with a quiz covering all the topics learned throughout the activity sheets. Include reflection questions about what they found most interesting and how they feel about the sacrifices made by the ANZAC soldiers.
A week of Lessons to choose from.
Week-long Unit Plan:
Anzac Day Commemorations
Lesson 1: Introduction to Anzac Day and World War I
Learning Intention: Students will understand the significance of Anzac Day and the role of Australian soldiers in World War I.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain the importance of Anzac Day.
Students can identify the contributions of Australian soldiers during World War I.
Storytime and Discussion: Read a children’s book about Anzac Day (e.g., "Anzac Ted" by Belinda Landsberry). Discuss the importance of Anzac Day.
Interactive Map Activity: Show a map of Europe, highlighting France, Vignacourt, and Naours. Discuss the locations' significance during WWI.
Craft Activity: Make poppies from red paper to create an Anzac Day display in the classroom.
Lesson 2: Exploring Vignacourt
Learning Intention: Students will learn about the significance of Vignacourt and the discovery of Australian soldiers' photos.
Student Outcomes:
Students can describe Vignacourt's role during WWI.
Students can analyze historical photographs.
Video Cross Activity: Connect with a school or historian in France for a virtual tour of Vignacourt and its war memorials.
Photo Analysis Activity: Show photos of Australian soldiers discovered in Vignacourt. Discuss what these photos tell us about the soldiers’ experiences.
Creative Writing: Students write a short story or letter from the perspective of a soldier in Vignacourt.
Lesson 3: Discovering Naours and Soldier Graffiti Learning Intention: Students will explore the underground tunnels of Naours and learn about the graffiti left by soldiers.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain the significance of Naours.
Students can interpret soldier graffiti as historical evidence.
Virtual Tour: Take a virtual tour of the Naours tunnels, focusing on the graffiti left by soldiers.
Graffiti Analysis: Show images of the graffiti and discuss what it reveals about the soldiers’ lives and thoughts.
Art Activity: Students create their own "historical graffiti" on paper, imagining they are soldiers in the Naours tunnels.
Lesson 4: Commemorating Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will participate in activities to commemorate Anzac Day, reflecting on the lessons learned.
Student Outcomes:
Students can participate in Anzac Day commemorative activities.
Students can reflect on the significance of the day and its historical context.
Anzac Day Ceremony: Hold a mock Anzac Day ceremony, including a minute of silence, playing "The Last Post," and reading poems like "In Flanders Fields."
Craft Activity: Make Anzac biscuits following a simple recipe. Discuss the history of the biscuits and their importance during the war.
Reflection Activity: Students share what they have learned about Anzac Day, Vignacourt, and Naours. Display their stories, letters, and art projects in the classroom.
Lesson 1: Understanding Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will understand the significance of Anzac Day.
Student Outcomes:
Students can explain that Anzac Day is a day of remembrance.
Students can identify a poppy as a symbol of Anzac Day.
Storytime: Read a picture book about Anzac Day.
Poppy Craft: Make poppies using red and black paper.
Simple Mapping: Show where Australia and France are on a map.
Year 1
Lesson 2: The Story of Vignacourt
Learning Intention: Students will learn about Vignacourt and its significance during WWI. Student Outcomes:
Students can describe what Vignacourt was used for during WWI.
Students can recognize the historical importance of photographs.
Photograph Analysis: Show and discuss photographs of soldiers found in Vignacourt.
Photo Drawing: Draw a picture of what they think life was like for the soldiers.
Virtual Cross Activity: Video call with a school or museum in Vignacourt.
Year 2
Lesson 3: Discovering Naours
Learning Intention: Students will explore the underground tunnels of Naours and learn about soldier graffiti. Student Outcomes:
Students can explain what the Naours tunnels were used for.
Students can interpret graffiti as a form of historical evidence.
Virtual Tour: Virtual tour of the Naours tunnels.
Graffiti Discussion: Talk about the soldier graffiti and what it tells us.
Art Project: Create their own graffiti drawings on paper.
Year 3
Lesson 4: Soldier Stories
Learning Intention: Students will learn about the personal stories of soldiers from Vignacourt and Naours. Student Outcomes:
Students can recount a story of a soldier.
Students can reflect on the soldiers’ experiences.
Story Writing: Write a story or letter from the perspective of a soldier.
Research Project: Research a soldier's photo and share their findings.
Video Diary: Create a video diary imagining they are a soldier.
Year 4
Lesson 5: Anzac Day Traditions
Learning Intention: Students will understand the traditions of Anzac Day and their importance. Student Outcomes:
Students can describe different Anzac Day traditions.
Students can explain why these traditions are important.
Ceremony Role-Play: Conduct a mock Anzac Day ceremony in class.
Biscuit Baking: Make Anzac biscuits and learn their history.
Poem Reading: Read and discuss poems like "In Flanders Fields."
Year 5
Lesson 6: Connecting with History
Learning Intention: Students will connect with the historical events of WWI through the experiences of Australian soldiers. Student Outcomes:
Students can analyze historical sources from Vignacourt and Naours.
Students can reflect on the significance of Anzac Day.
Source Analysis: Analyze primary sources like letters and photos.
Historical Debate: Debate the experiences of soldiers during WWI.
Reflection Essay: Write an essay reflecting on the importance of Anzac Day.
Year 6
Lesson 7: Legacy of Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Students will explore the lasting legacy of Anzac Day and the lessons learned from WWI. Student Outcomes:
Students can articulate the long-term impacts of WWI on Australia.
Students can explain the ongoing relevance of Anzac Day.
Legacy Project: Create a project on the legacy of WWI and Anzac Day.
Guest Speaker: Invite a veteran or historian to speak about Anzac Day.
Commemoration Plan: Plan a school-wide Anzac Day event.
Glossary of Activities:
Storytime: Reading books related to Anzac Day.
Poppy Craft: Making poppies using paper or other materials.
Mapping: Showing locations on a map.
Photograph Analysis: Discussing historical photographs.
Drawing: Drawing pictures related to the lessons.
Virtual Cross Activity: Video calls with schools or museums.
Virtual Tour: Online tours of historical sites.
Graffiti Art: Creating graffiti art inspired by historical graffiti.
Story Writing: Writing stories or letters.
Research Project: Researching historical figures or events.
Video Diary: Creating video diaries.
Role-Play: Acting out ceremonies or historical events.
Biscuit Baking: Making Anzac biscuits.
Poem Reading: Reading and discussing poems.
Source Analysis: Analyzing primary sources.
Debate: Debating historical topics.
Essay Writing: Writing reflective essays.
Legacy Project: Creating projects on historical legacies.
Guest Speaker: Inviting speakers to discuss historical events.
Some more ideas.
Detailed Lesson Plans
Week 1: Introduction to World War I
Learning Intention: Understand the origins and key events of World War I. Student Outcomes: Describe the causes of World War I and Australia's involvement.
Lesson 1: Introduction to World War I
Discuss the causes of World War I and the nations involved.
Show a timeline of key events.
Activity: Create a timeline in groups.
Lesson 2: Australia's Involvement in World War I Explore the reasons for Australia joining the war.
Discuss the experiences of Australian soldiers.
Activity: Write a short diary entry from the perspective of an Australian soldier.
Week 2: Significance of Anzac Day
Learning Intention: Understand the significance of Anzac Day. Student Outcomes: Explain the importance of Anzac Day and the events at Gallipoli.
Lesson 3: Anzac Day and Gallipoli
Discuss the Gallipoli campaign and its significance.
Show images and videos of Anzac Day ceremonies.
Activity: Create an Anzac Day poster.
Lesson 4: Anzac Traditions and Commemoration Explore different ways Anzac Day is commemorated.
Activity: Plan a class Anzac Day ceremony.
Week 3: Australian Soldiers at the Somme Learning Intention: Investigate the role of Australian soldiers in the Somme. Student Outcomes: Describe the experiences of Australian soldiers at the Somme.
Lesson 5: The Battle of the Somme
Discuss the key events of the Battle of the Somme.
Show maps and images of the battlefield.
Activity: Create a battlefield map.
Lesson 6: Soldier Stories
Introduce the cave inscriptions at Naours.
Read letters and diaries from soldiers.
Activity: Write a letter from the perspective of a soldier.
Week 4: Cave Inscriptions at Naours
Learning Intention: Investigate the cave inscriptions left by soldiers. Student Outcomes: Explain the significance of the cave inscriptions.
Lesson 7: Discovering the Cave Inscriptions Discuss the discovery and significance of the cave inscriptions.
Show images of the inscriptions.
Activity: Research and present on one of the soldiers.
Lesson 8: Understanding the Inscriptions Analyze the inscriptions and their meanings.
Activity: Create a class mural of the inscriptions.
Week 5: Descriptive Language
Learning Intention: Use descriptive language to create vivid narratives. Student Outcomes: Write descriptive narratives based on historical events.
Lesson 9: Expanding Noun Groups
Learn about noun groups and descriptive language.
Activity: Write descriptive sentences using expanded noun groups.
Lesson 10: Descriptive Writing Practice
Practice writing descriptive paragraphs.
Activity: Write a descriptive paragraph about a soldier’s experience.
Week 6: Creating Narratives
Learning Intention: Create narratives based on the experiences of soldiers. Student Outcomes: Write and revise narratives using descriptive language.
Lesson 11: Narrative Writing
Plan and draft narratives based on historical events.
Activity: Write a draft narrative about a soldier's experience.
Lesson 12: Peer Review and Feedback
Share drafts with peers and provide feedback.
Activity: Revise narratives based on feedback.
Week 7: Multimodal Texts
Learning Intention: Create and present multimodal texts. Student Outcomes: Plan and draft multimodal texts integrating images, sound, and text.
Lesson 13: Planning Multimodal Texts
Discuss different types of multimodal texts.
Activity: Plan a multimodal text about the Somme.
Lesson 14: Drafting Multimodal Texts
Begin drafting multimodal texts.
Activity: Create a draft of the multimodal text.
Week 8: Finalizing Multimodal Texts
Learning Intention: Finalize and polish multimodal texts. Student Outcomes: Complete multimodal texts with integrated elements.
Lesson 15: Revising and Editing
Revise and edit multimodal texts.
Activity: Complete the final draft of the multimodal text.
Lesson 16: Final Touches
Add final touches to multimodal texts.
Activity: Prepare for presentations.
Week 9: Presentation
Learning Intention: Present narratives and multimodal texts to the class. Student Outcomes: Effectively present and explain projects to peers.
Lesson 17: Presentation Practice
Practice presenting narratives and multimodal texts.
Activity: Peer practice presentations.
Lesson 18: Class Presentations
Present narratives and multimodal texts to the class.
Activity: Class presentations.
Week 10: Reflection
Learning Intention: Reflect on the learning journey and significance of Anzac Day. Student Outcomes: Reflect on and discuss the learning experience.
Lesson 19: Reflection Activities
Discuss what students learned about Anzac Day and the Somme.
Activity: Write a reflection on the learning journey.
Lesson 20: Celebrating Learning
Celebrate the completion of the unit with a class Anzac Day ceremony.
Activity: Class ceremony and sharing reflections.
Whole School Resources
Prep to Year 2
1. Anzac Day Storybooks:
o "Anzac Ted" by Belinda Landsberry
o "Lest We Forget" by Kerry Greenwood
2. Craft Activities:
o Making poppies using red and black paper
o Creating Anzac Day wreaths with paper plates and tissue paper
3. Songs and Rhymes:
o "The Last Post" and "Reveille" (with simple explanations)
4. Interactive Activities:
o Anzac Day colouring pages
o Simple worksheets with pictures of soldiers and poppies
Year 3 to Year 4
1. Educational Videos:
o Short documentaries about the Gallipoli landing
o Animated videos explaining the significance of Anzac Day
2. Writing Prompts:
o Writing a letter to a soldier
o Creating a diary entry from the perspective of an Anzac soldier
3. Interactive Games:
o Anzac Day word searches and crosswords
o Online quizzes about Anzac history
4. Craft Projects:
o Making poppy bookmarks
o Designing Anzac Day posters
Year 5 to Year 6
1. Detailed Worksheets:
o Fact cards about Anzac Day traditions and symbols
o Worksheets on the Battle of Gallipoli
2. Reading Comprehension:
o Stories about famous Anzac soldiers like John 'Jack' Simpson Kirkpatrick
o Reading comprehension activities based on Anzac Day poems
3. Research Projects:
o Investigating local war memorials and their significance
o Creating a timeline of Anzac Day events
4. Creative Activities:
o Designing medals and badges
o Creating a class Anzac Day display or timeline
Here are some excellent ANZAC web resources for classes from Prep to Year 6:
1. Twinkl: Offers a wide range of ANZAC Day activities, including word searches, fact cards, and craft templates for different year levels.
2. Teach Starter: Provides various teaching resources such as soldier silhouette art templates, reading comprehension worksheets, and PowerPoint templates for ANZAC Day.
3. Top Teacher: Features ideas for acknowledging ANZAC Day in the classroom, including craft activities, word walls, and wristbands.
4. ABC Education: Offers educational videos and activities related to ANZAC Day, suitable for primary school students.
5. National Archives of Australia: Provides historical documents, photographs, and resources to help students learn about ANZAC history.
6. Australian War Memorial: Features educational resources, including lesson plans and interactive activities, to help students understand the significance of ANZAC Day.
7. Cool Australia: Offers free, curriculum-aligned resources for teachers to use in the classroom, covering topics like ANZAC Day and its significance